Fiscal Note
The estimated costs for this Grants Administrator double-fill for the period May 2 through June 29 would be $8,091 in salary expense, plus $3,439 in benefits, for a total of $11,530. Costs for the position are wholly funded by Federal grants and will not affect the levy. No additional appropriation is required.
Approving the double-fill of a Grant Administrator 2 position with a Grant Administrator 1 due to the retirement of the current Grant Administrator 2, Audrey Short.
WHEREAS, Ms. Audrey Short, a Grant Administrator 2 in Community Development Division, is retiring from City of Madison employment after thirty-four (34) years of service; and
WHEREAS, it was necessary to hire a replacement immediately; and
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the new person will start on approximately May 2, 2011, and Ms. Short will actually leave employment on June 29, 2011, as she has a considerable number of vacation days owed by the City of Madison which will be paid from her Grant Administrator 2 position causing a double-fill in excess of the thirty (30) days, which is authorized by Madison General Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the double-filling of the Grant Administrator 2 position with a Grant Administrator 1 position in the Community Development Division is approved from May 2, 2011 - June 29, 2011.