Fiscal Note
Funding of $250,000 is available in the 2011 Planning and Community and Economic Development Adopted Capital Budget, Project No. 20, "Public Market." The base contract’s scope of services for Common Wealth Development, Inc. will be for $235,000. The remaining balance of $15,000 will be set aside for extra and unforeseen services which may be needed by Common Wealth Development, Inc. to augment contract activities and will be approved by City staff prior to initiation.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Common Wealth Development, Inc., to provide $250,000 in for the preparation of a detailed business plan; fundraising plan and strategy; organization plan; select design/rendering services; outreach, project management, and other pre-development expenses associated with the development of the Madison Public Market.
WHEREAS, on August 3, 2010, the Common Council accepted the reports regarding the 2010 Madison Public Market Site Analysis and the Economic Contribution of the Proposed Madison Public Market to the Regional Economy (collectively “the Reports”) for locating a Madison Public Market, Enactment No. RES-10-00704, Legislative File ID No. 18565; and
WHEREAS, acceptance of the Reports provided $100,000 to provide $50,000 in pre-development services to Common Wealth Development and $50,000 for architectural and graphic design services for the Public Market Square project; and
WHEREAS, the City’s adopted 2011 Capital Budget includes $250,000 to provide the development of focused, in-depth work on the Market pertaining to business plan, the organization to manage the market, a detailed fundraising strategy/plan, and funds to work with Public Square planners and architects on design and space issues; and
WHEREAS, Common Wealth Development, Inc., has requested $250,000 in funds to work with the City to provide these services; and
WHEREAS, the Project is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan ...
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