Fiscal Note
No expenditure is required to accept the report. Implementation of certain recommendations may require future expenditures, subject to Common Council approval.
Accepting a Safety and Security Report from the Allied Area Task Force.
WHEREAS, the Allied Area Task Force was created to make recommendations to the Mayor and the Common Council regarding a focused set of strategies to strengthen the Allied area neighborhood, and;
WHEREAS, the Allied Area Task Force selected three areas of concentration for in-depth study and discussion, one of those areas being safety & security, and;
WHEREAS, the Allied Area Task Force appointed a subcommittee to study the issues of safety & security and make a set of recommendations to improve the quality of life in the Allied neighborhood, and;
WHEREAS, the subcommittee gathered information from residents, held meetings, prepared draft recommendations and vetted the recommendations with residents on the topic of safety & security.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council accept the report of the Allied Area Task Force, "Improving the Safety And Security of the Allied Drive Neighborhood".