Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the plan. However, the report includes a number of recommendations for which the implementation will have fiscal impacts in the future, some quite significant. Implementing these specific recommendations within the plan will require inclusion in future capital and operating budgets, subject to Common Council approval at that time.
To approve the Madison Sustainability Plan.
WHEREAS, in September 2004, the “Building a Green Capital City: A Blueprint for Madison’s Sustainable Design and Energy Future” report was accepted by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, the report was developed by the Mayor’s Energy Task Force, a group formed in October of 2003 and charged with making Madison a green capital city and creating a city that is a national leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy that also supports the city’s economic vitality; and
WHEREAS, many of the recommendations of the report have been implemented, particularly those that City government could implement itself or those for which the City could play a “leading by example” role; and
WHEREAS, in 2005, the City of Madison adopted The Natural Step (TNS) as a sustainability framework; and
WHEREAS, the framework focuses on systems thinking allowing discussions about Madison as a sustainable community to evolve beyond energy efficiency and renewable energy; and
WHEREAS, in 2009, it became evident that the Green Capital City report needed to be updated and expanded; and
WHEREAS, in October of 2009, the Sustainable Design and Energy Committee (SDEC), took on the task of updating the report, with the assistance of a diverse group of stakeholders including experts from the following groups: financial, legal, residential construction/remodeling, building materials, faith-based, electric/gas utilities, commercial construction, water quality, urban planning, education, transportation, healthcare, renewable energy, architects, ...
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