Fiscal Note
The estimated fiscal impact for 2011 is an increase in salary expense of $2,691, plus associated benefits. Funding is included in the DCR 2011 adopted operating budget. The full, annualized fiscal impact in future years is $5,460 in salary expense, plus benefits. Funding will be included in future DCR operating budgets, subject to approval by the Common Council.
Recreating the position of Human Resources Analyst 1 (CG 18 R 06) (#4046) in the Department of Civil Rights budget as a Human Resources Analyst 2 (CG 18 R 08) and reallocating the incumbent (H. Donahue IV) to the new position.
Resolution that position #4046 of Human Resources Analyst 1 in the Department of Civil Rights budget is deleted and recreated as a Human Resources Analyst 2 and that the incumbent Harper Donahue IV be reallocated to the newly-created position, thereof.