Fiscal Note
$500.00 Administrative Fee to be deposited into Account No. GN01-78231.
Authorizing the execution of Private Storm Sewer Easement to Yahara Square Associates LLP across a portion of a Yahara Parkway parcel located at 1 South Thornton Avenue.
WHEREAS, Yahara Square Associates LLP, (the “Owner”) is owner of the former Gisholt Foundry building located at 1301 East Washington Avenue (the “Owners Property”); and
WHEREAS, the Owner’s Property, is served by a private storm sewer piping system, which is located within East Main Street right-of-way and crosses the Yahara River Parkway property at 1 South Thornton Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the Owner’s private storm sewer piping dates back to the 1940’s, but was unknown to the City until it was recently discovered during a Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (“MMSD”) sanitary sewer interceptor project, along the Yahara River Parkway property; and
WHEREAS, the Owner’s private storm sewer piping was disturbed and plugged up during the MMSD project, which has resulted in occasional flooding at the Owner’s Property; and
WHEREAS, the Owner’s have requested permits from the WisDNR and the City of Madison to reconstruct the storm sewer piping and outlet structure located in the Yahara River Parkway; and also have requested a private storm sewer easement for the existing storm sewer piping and outlet structure located with the Yahara River Parkway; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineering Division and Parks Division have reviewed and approve of the Easement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Private Storm Sewer Easement with Yahara Square Associates LLP for the Easement described as follows:
Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 07, Township 07 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. The centerline of 20 foot wide private storm sewer easement more fully described as follows:
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