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File #: 20966    Version: 1 Name: A Resolution authorizing the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County to enter into a contract for purchase of services with Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc. to coordinate the MedDrop program
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/4/2011 In control: BOARD OF ESTIMATES (ended 4/2017)
On agenda: 2/1/2011 Final action: 2/1/2011
Enactment date: Enactment #: RES-11-00099
Title: A Resolution authorizing the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County to enter into a contract for purchase of services with Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc. to coordinate the MedDrop program
Sponsors: Lauren Cnare
Fiscal Note
The 2011 Public Health Adopted Operating Budget contains funding of $40,000 for the MedDrop program.  This program is funded as a joint cost, with approximately $17,849 supported by the City tax levy and $22,151 provided by the Dane County levy.  No additional appropriation is required.
A Resolution authorizing the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County to enter into a contract for purchase of services with Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc. to coordinate the MedDrop program
MedDrop began with a volunteer network of pharmacists, law enforcement, and hazardous, solid waste and wastewater experts that held pharmaceutical collection events in Dane County twice a year since 2007. The group seeks to address issues affecting the safety of our communities-poisoning due to prescription medications and the presence of environmental toxins that enter our aquatic environment through the improper disposal of household pharmaceutical waste.
In a 2009 national youth risk behavior survey, one in five high school students reported using a prescription medication without a doctor's prescription. A 2008 study revealed that 582,000 Wisconsin residents ages 12 or older had used a prescription medication for non-medical purpose in the previous year. Prescription drugs are now the leading type of poisoning overdoses that result in a death or hospitalization among residents of Madison and Dane County.
MedDrop was initiated as a public and private sector partnership, administered by the Madison Patient Safety Collaborative (MPSC). This MedDrop advisory group is not incorporated, but it has continued to sponsor pharmaceutical collection events. Although the MPSC folded in 2009, they gifted all their remaining funds to MedDrop.
MedDrop has sponsored two events each year where it accepts prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medication, as well as any illegal drugs. This removes these un-needed medications that can pose a threat to children and others who may intentionally or unintentionally take them. Flushing medication down the drain or putting them in the trash is hazardous for the environment.
Both Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors have adopted resolutions asking Public Health-Madison and Dane County (PHMDC) to develop a plan to collect pharmaceuticals year-round. PHMDC has worked with the partners in the MedDrop advisory group, including:
·      City of Madison Police Department
·      City of Middleton Police Department
·      Dane County Narcotics and Gang Task Force
·      Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
·      Wisconsin Society of Pharmacy Students
·      Madison area healthcare organizations
·      Madison/Dane County Clean Sweep
·      Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District
·      City of Madison Streets and Recycling
·      City of Sun Prairie Department of Public Works
·      Middleton Cross Plains Area School District
The plan developed by the advisory group places drop off boxes in seven to ten police stations in Madison and Dane County. Pilot drop box were placed inside the Madison East District and Middleton Police Stations in early November 2010. It only took five days to fill the boxes.
During the approval process for the 2011 budget, the Mayor and the County Executive added $40,000 to the PHMDC operating budget to help fund the collection and disposal of unused pharmaceuticals. A grant from the Department of Justice covers the cost of police escorted transportation to the site where the pharmaceuticals from a collection event are incinerated. The balance of the funds required for this project will come from the remaining funds from the Madison Patient Safety Collaborative.
The plan includes hiring a part-time coordinator that will coordinate the program and help market MedDrop . The MedDrop advisory group has considered several agencies to work with and is requesting that PHMDC contract with Safe Community Coalition of Dane County, Inc. to coordinate MedDrop. This new project complements the work that Safe Communities is already doing with poisoning prevention. The MedDrop advisory group will provide ongoing direction to assist with this program. PHMDC will administer the contract and reimburse Safe Communities for the services."
MGO 4.26 requires a request for proposal (RFP) process for contracts over $40,000, although it allows exceptions to sole source a contract with approval of Common Council. With this resolution, Common Council is being asked to authorize a contract with Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc. to coordinate the MedDrop program.
WHEREAS Public Health-Madison and Dane County was requested by both the Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors to work with partners to develop a program to provide on-going collection of medications; and
WHEREAS the MedDrop advisory group has developed a plan to have seven to ten secure drop boxes in police departments around Madison and Dane County; and  
WHEREAS $40,000 was added to the 2011 Public Health operating budget by the Mayor and County Executive in their executive budgets and these funds were approved by the two legislative bodies; and
WHEREAS the Inter-Governmental Agreement created Public Health-Madison and Dane County requires that the department follow City of Madison purchasing guidelines, and MGO 4.26 allows exceptions to the request-for-proposal process with approval of the Common Council; and
WHEREAS the Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc. is uniquely qualified to administer MedDrop and Public Health-Madison and Dane County believes that a contract with Safe Communities Coalition of Dane County is in the best interest of the City of Madison and Dane County and honors the plan developed by the partners in the MedDrop advisory group;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of  Madison authorizes the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County, on behalf of Public Health-Madison and Dane County to enter into a contract for the coordination and operation of ongoing pharmaceutical collection  for $40,000 with the Safe Community Coalition of Madison and Dane County, Inc.;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contract be for one year, with the possibility of two one-year renewals if funding is appropriated by the City of Madison Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors. The Director of Public Health-Madison and Dane County is authorized to sign the agreement.