Fiscal Note
There will be a minor increase in General Fund revenues derived from license fees, but no significant fiscal impact is anticipated.
Creating Sec. 28.09(5)(c)3. of the Madison General Ordinances to allow the keeping of up to six (6) chickens in the C4 district.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This amendment allows museums and/or schools in the C4 District to keep up to 6 chickens.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Paragraph 3. of Subdivision (c) entitled “Permitted Uses” of Subsection (5) entitled “C4 Central Commercial District” of Section 28.09 entitled “Commercial Districts” of the Madison General Ordinances is created to read as follows:
“3. Keeping of up to six (6) chickens provided that:
a. The principal use is a museum or school.
b. No person shall keep any rooster.
c. No person shall slaughter any chickens.
d. The chickens shall be provided with a covered enclosure and shall be kept in the covered enclosure or a fence enclosure at all times.
e. The owner, operator, or tenant shall obtain a license under Sec. 9.52, MGO.
f. The applicant for the license notifies all residents of the property and the...
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