Fiscal Note
The Resolution awards a $5,000 Signature Grant as part of the 2010-2011 arts grants award process. Funding is authorized in the 2010 Adopted Planning Division operating budget.
Seeking Common Council approval of 2010-2011 Signature Art Grant awards as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission.
WHEREAS, The Madison Arts Commission has the authority, by ordinance, to annually recommend arts grants for approval by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, by the annual October 15 Signature Grant application deadline the Madison Arts Commission received 5 applications for the single $5,000 Signature Grant award; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Arts Commission met on November 8, 2010 to evaluate the Signature Grant applications received for the 2010-2011 grant period and their recommendation to award Chris Walker the $5,000 Signature Grant for "Generations Moving: Rediscovering the Caribbean through Contemporary Dance" which is a collaborative dance project involving urban Caribbean and North American dancers and spoken word artists. The collection will debut in Madison on February 3-5, 2011 at the Margaret H'Doubler Theater. The program will also include a series of classes, demonstrations, and performances that will take place in smaller venues throughout the Madison community, in cooperation with the Caribbean Association of Madison and the Celebrate South Madison Project; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council approves the aforementioned proposed use of the remaining 2010-2011 grant award funding and authorizes the Planning Division Director, the City Comptroller and the City Attorney to execute the agreements on behalf of the City of Madison to effectuate said grant.