Fiscal Note
It is anticipated that there will be a minor reduction in expenses currently allocated for the production of metal permit tags.
AN ALTERNATE Repealing Sec. 31.041(1)(c) to eliminate the requirement of using permit tags on signs, amending Secs. 31.03(2), 31.041(2), 31.044, 31.14(2), 31.14(2)(b)3. and 31.15(3) of the Madison General Ordinances regarding noncommercial message signs and other temporary signs that are exempt from permit, and amending Sec. 31.04(5)(h) regarding construction requirements for certain ground signs.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance clarifies the status of noncommercial message signs that are exempt from permit under the sign code. Currently, noncommercial message signs can be displayed on private property in any zoning district subject to certain size limitations, without a permit and in addition to other types of signs. This ordinance amendment clarifies the definition of “noncommercial” and clarifies that exempt noncommercial signs can be displayed in residential, conservancy and agricultural districts in addition to the other types of signs allowed in those districts. This amendment also specifies the types of exempt sign that can be displayed temporarily and clarifies the applicability of construction requirements to temporary and permanent exempt signs. This amendment creates a rule that real estate signs should be temporary and only be displayed when the property in question is actually for sale or rent. This amendment clarifies that foundational footings are only required for permanent ground signs (pole and monument signs) and not for temporary signs. Finally, the ordinance eliminates the requirement of issuing metal permit tags for signs, because sign permits are now tracked by computer, and corrects a typographical error.
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