Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3490. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Phase 1 SIP to allow construction of gas-fired boiler building at Charter Street heating plant; 8th Aldermanic District: 117 North Charter Street.
1. WHEREAS, an Amended PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District has been duly filed for approval of the Madison Common Council and is hereby made an integral component of the zoning district regulations.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Madison do ordain as follows:
Paragraph 3490. of Subdivision (a) of Subsection (2) of Section 28.06 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
“28.06(2)(a)3490. The following described property is hereby omitted from the PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District and added to the PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District:
117 North Charter
Being Part of Block 10, Brooks’ Addition To Madison, located in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 22, Township 07 North, Range 09 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the East ¼ Corner of Section 22, Township 07 North, Range 09 East; thence N0°15'40"W, 820.74 feet along the East line of said Section; thence S71°26'17"W, 34.75 feet to the West line of N. Mills Street and the point of beginning; thence continuing S71°26'17"W, 275.48 feet to the North line of Spring Street; thence N 88°48'08"W, along said North line, 107.66 feet to the East line of N. Charter Street; thence N0°25'36"W, along said East line, 454.86 feet to the South line of W. Dayton Street; thence S88°44'14"E, along said South line, 351.37 feet to a point in the Sou...
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