Fiscal Note
The funding of $664,145 is part of the larger, overall Federal Department of Energy EECBG grant, the acceptance of which (and corresponding budget amendment) was approved 11/17/2009 (RES-09-00941, Legistar ID# 16450). No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a grant agreement with the Department of Energy for acceptance of Business Energy Incentive Program (BEEP) funds in the amount of $664,145, and to execute separate agreements with the public and private organizations on the list attached hereto to implement the use of the BEEP funds.
The City established a Business Energy Incentive Program (BEEP) Review Committee to review and evaluate commercial energy efficiency applications submitted by local businesses for their organizations’ projects. The BEEP Review Committee was represented by five local business representatives and City staff. Public notification of the available grant dollars to the Madison business community was published in the Wisconsin State Journal, along with program announcements on various City Web sites, other business organization Web sites and City List Serves. The BEEP Review Committee selected 12 projects to recommend for funding to CDBG staff.
WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the US Department of Energy EECBG. As a result of that work the City of Madison was awarded a total DOE-EECBG grant award of $664,145. The award is a three-year (DOE-EECBG) Energy Community Block Grant which supports the Business Energy Incentive Program to incentivize energy efficiency projects to be implemented within the community, and outlines a set of strategies and priorities to meet these energy cost, energy usage and green house carbon reduction goals; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council authorized the application for DOE-EECBG Program funds as part of the adoption of the year 2009 budget, but specific funding priorities and projects were unavailable ...
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