Fiscal Note
The total project cost is $114,360, with grant funding of $91,488 and City funding of $22,872 (G.O. borrowing of $16,472 and levy support of $6,400) to meet the 20 percent match requirement. If the grant is awarded, matching funds for this project will need to be included in the Fire Department's 2011 Capital and Operating Budgets.
Accepting a 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grant if awarded from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
A grant application has been submitted to the Federal Emergency Managment Agency, DHS for the 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. The amount of the grant application is $114,360. If the grant is awarded, the federal share would be 80 per cent or $91,488 and the City share is 20 per cent or $22,872. The grant application includes 142 air cylinders for breathing apparatus, 5 stair stepper machines and 1 investigation camera system for better documentation at fire investigation scenes, for jury trials and firefighter training.
The 2011 Fire Capital Budget request will include:
CE72-58585 Fire Equipment $ 82,360
CE72-73125 FEMA Revenue (65,888)
CE72-79140 G.O. Borrowing (16,472)
The 2011 Fire Operating Budget request will include:
GN01-58599 Other Equipment $ 32,000
GN01-73125 FEMA Revenue (25,600)
City matching funding is $6,400.
WHEREAS, the City has applied for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City accept the 2010 Assistance to firefighters grant if awarded.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor, City Clerk and other necessary City officials are authorized to execute any necessary documents upon award.
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council approves the grant budget.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that City matching funding for the grant will be included in the 2011 Fire Department Budget.