Fiscal Note
City agencies have included in the 2010 adopted operating budget approximately $72,000 in the aggregate for uniform laundering services. The estimated average annual cost of the laundering services under this contract is approximately $45,500. Therefore, the City might realize average annual savings of approximately $26,500, depending on volume.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a two-year contract with Unifirst Corporation for uniform rental and related services for various City departments, and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to sign up to three optional one-year renewals.
WHEREAS, several departments within the City require uniforms for some employees, including but not limited to Engineering, Fleet Services, Monona Terrace, Streets Division, Parks Division, Parking Utility, Water Utility and Madison Metro; and
WHEREAS, all proposals received under the first Request for Proposal 8046-0-2010/MM for uniform rental services were deemed non-responsive due to the inability of proposers to comply with the requirements of both MGO 4.20, the Living Wage ordinance, and MGO 4.25, the ordinance on Sweatfree Procurement of Items of Apparel and therefore the RFP was cancelled; and
WHEREAS, at the March 22, 2010 meeting of the Board of Estimates, City Purchasing staff informed the BOE that there were no qualified bids on the first RFP and that Purchasing intended to re-advertise the RFP with a waiver of the Living Wage ordinance’s proportional calculation requirement, as allowed by MGO 4.20(3)(d); and
WHEREAS, a second Request for Proposal (8097-0-2010/MM) was let out with this waiver; and
WHEREAS, two (2) proposals were received in response to the second bid, and were evaluated using factors including compliance with the Living Wage and Sweatfree procurement ordinances, long term cost of service, service quality and technical approaches, qualifications and experience, uniform specifications, pick up and delivery services and ...
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