Fiscal Note
City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
Amending the Mid-Town Neighborhood Development Plan, a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, to provide more detailed recommendations for the western part of the planning area and to include additional lands west of Meadow Road, and authorizing the City’s applications to amend the Central Urban Service Area as required to implement the recommendations in the Plan.
WHEREAS the Mid-Town Neighborhood Development Plan was adopted by the City of Madison Common Council on August 17, 1999 in response to specific development proposals; and
WHEREAS only very general land use recommendations were made for most of the Mid-Town Neighborhood planning area as part of the original planning process, and the Plan has been subsequently amended several times in response to specific development proposals; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison and Town of Middleton Cooperative Plan, approved on September 29, 2003, provides that lands within the amendment area located east of the future alignment of Meadow Road and Pioneer Road will ultimately be attached to the City of Madison in February 2042, unless attachment is initiated by a property owner prior to that time; and
WHEREAS the current Mid-Town Neighborhood Development Plan does not include recommendations for a small area west of existing Meadow Road that will eventually be attached to the City of Madison as provided by the Cooperative Plan; and
WHEREAS several properties within the amendment area located adjacent to Sugar Maple Lane were recently attached to the City of Madison and there is interest in developing these properties with urban uses in the relatively near future; and
WHEREAS a public meeting on the Plan Amendment was held at Olson Elementary School on February 10, 2010 in which staff presented background information and a prelim...
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