Fiscal Note
Fiscal note was approved with RES-09-00935, File No. 16369; as listed below...
Breakdown of Total Project Cost
Est. Federal/State Share $ 23,400,000
Estimated City Share $ 3,200,000
Estimated Total Project Cost $ 26,600,000
Construction is scheduled for 2012, advanceable to 2011 depending on funding. Funds available in Accounts as follows:
Street Acct. No. CS53-58260-810571-00-53W0321 $125,000 (previously encumbered, contract 6225)
Street Acct. No. CS53-58260-810571-00-53W0321 $500,000
Street Lighting Acct. No. CS53-58545-810571-00-53W0321 $175,000
Sanitary Acct. No. ES01-58275-810332-00-53W0321 $600,000
Water Acct. No. EW01-58273-810455-00-53W0321 $1,800,000
Funds for the design portion of the agreement are included in the 2010 Executive Capital Budget for Major Streets. $447,975 will need to be encumbered now, with the remaining local share not encumbered until 2011. Funds for construction are included in the CIP for 2011.
Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Northport Drive, Packers Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue and E. Johnson Street Assessment District.
The Board of Public Works and the City Engineer having made reports of all proceedings in relation to the improvement of Northport Drive, Packers Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue and E. Johnson Street Assessment District pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council, RES-10-00156, ID No. 17257, adopted 2/23/2010, which resolution was adopted thereto, and the provisions of the Madison General Ordinances and the Wisconsin Statutes in such case made and provided, and the Common Council being fully advised.
1. That the City at large is justly chargeable with and shall pay the sum of $2,929,950.00 of the entire cost of said improvement.
2. That for those eligible property owners requesting construction of a rain garden in the public right-of-way adjacent to their property shall execute the necessary waiver of special asse...
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