Fiscal Note
Under the terms of the operating agreement, and in addition to the permit fee required, revenue of $6,000 is anticipated for each permit year (April 15 through April 14 of the following year), including the 2013 and 2014 permit years if this Agreement is renewed for those permit years. Payments shall be made in thirds due no later than May 15, July 1, and September 1. No appropriation is required, nor is any impact upon cost controls anticipated.
SUBSTITUTE - To authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Operating Agreement between the City of Madison and Wingra Canoe and Sailing Center, Inc. covering boat livery and concession operations utilizing certain lands and buildings at Vilas Park and Wingra Park for a three year period with the possibility of two additional one year renewals. (ADs 10 & 13)
The City has leased boat livery space to Wingra Canoe and Sailing Center, Inc. for approximately fifty years so that Madison area residents would have the opportunity to public access to Lake Wingra. In 2009, Wingra Canoe and Sailing Center, Inc. expanded its operations to include the Beach House at Vilas Park. The Wingra Canoe and Sailing Center, Inc. desires to continue to lease the same park area and buildings in Vilas Park and in Wingra Park for its boat livery operation. It is determined that the grant of such an operating agreement is in the public interest as it will facilitate Madison area residents with public boating access to Lake Wingra.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign an Operating Agreement with Wingra Canoe and Sailing Center, Inc. (the "Permittee) to utilize park area and buildings in Vilas Park and Wingra Park, as more particularly described and depicted in the Agreement, to maintain and operate a boat livery operation, to include the following terms, and subject to the conditions contained in the Operating Agreement.:
1. The Operating Agreement shall b...
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