Fiscal Note
Minimal funds (approximately $2,000.00) required for the City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division to fabricate new street signs and install them. Funds are available in 2010 Traffic Engineering Operating Budget.
Amending the Master List of Street Names and Designations and amending the City Engineer’s Street Numbering Map, referred to in Sections 10.34(1) and 10.35, Madison General Ordinances changing the name of County Trunk Highway M (CTH M) to South Junction Rd. from Mineral Point Rd. south to Valley View Rd. (9th AD)
WHEREAS, the Common Council, by Resolution No. 12,459, adopted March 9, 1967, has established a general policy on street names and approves a master list of existing street names and designations for all purposes; and
WHEREAS, Secs. 10.34(1) and 10.35 of the Madison General Ordinances, requires the City Engineer to maintain certain street numbering maps; and
WHEREAS, CTH M is the only county trunk highway within the city of Madison corporate limits which does not have a different city street name designation; and
WHEREAS, recent development by the University of Wisconsin Regents resulted in the recording of the University Research Park - Pioneer subdivision plat immediately West of, and adjacent to CTH M; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has scheduled significant public street reconstruction improvements for Pleasant View Rd, Mineral Point Rd and CTH M; and
WHEREAS, a combination of the University of Wisconsin Regents Development and the City of Madison street reconstruction plans has created the need to change the name of the segment of CTH M and now be called South Junction Rd. from Mineral Point Rd. south to Valley View Rd.;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, all that part of the street formerly known as CTH M from Mineral Point Rd. south to Valley View Rd., be and is hereby changed to South Junction Rd.; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division is her...
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