Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Strand Associates Inc. for site analysis and selection and the preparation of drawings and specifications, permitting, bidding, and construction administration for the Utility’s proposed Booster Pump Station No. 118 located in the Arbor Hills Neighborhood. (14th AD)
Fiscal Note
The proposed Agreement with Strand Associates Inc. for professional engineering services for Booster Pump Station No. 118 will not exceed $125,000. Funds are available in the 2010 Water Utility Capital Budget, Project #8, Arbor Hills Supp. Fire Flow Supply (810516.) No additional appropriation is required.
WHEREAS: The approved 2006 Madison Water Utility Water Master Plan identified a need for improved fire protection capacity and water supply redundancy in the Arbor Hills Neighborhood; and
WHEREAS: Madison Water Utility evaluated and verified the need for the project and conducted a public participation process that included the formation of a Citizen’s Advisory Panel. Following a public hearing on the project, the Water Utility Board approved the establishment of the project at its June 23, 2009 meeting; and
WHEREAS: Madison Water Utility prepared an alternative evaluation report on the project which recommended the construction of a booster pumping station for the Arbor Hills Neighborhood. Following a public meeting and a public meeting to consider the recommendation, at their regular meeting on September 29, 2009 the Water Utility Board approved the report and accepted the recommendation to construct a booster pumping station; and
WHEREAS: Madison Water Utility has budgeted funds in their 2010 Capital Budget to select a suitable site and then design and construct a booster pumping station in the Arbor Hills Neighborhood; and
WHEREAS: Madison Water Utility has received and evaluated six (6) consultant proposals for the work, and negotiated a Professional Services Agreement wit...
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