Fiscal Note
The Community Development Division anticipates salary savings of an estimated $12,901, plus benefits expense, due to an internal promotion and subsequent vacancy, of which $6,225 (plus benefits expense) will be reallocated to support an increase in a Grants Administrator 1 position from .75 FTE to 1.0 FTE. Expenditures will be reallocated entirely within the Permanent Salaries and Benefits budget expense detail of the Community Development Division's 2010 Operating Budget. Therefore, no additional appropriation is required.
Amending the 2010 Community Development Division Operating Budget to increase a Grants Administrator 1 position from 0.75 FTE to 1.00 FTE.
WHEREAS, the permanent salary detail of the 2010 Community Development Division Operating Budget included funding for 2.00 FTE Grants Administrator 2 positions in Compensation Group 18 Range 08 and a 0.75 FTE Grants Administrator 1 position in Compensation Group 18 Range 06; and,
WHEREAS, in October 2009, an incumbent 1.00 FTE Grants Administrator 2 (P. Rood) at Step 4 was hired to fill the Division's vacant Grants Supervisor position; and,
WHEREAS, the position vacancy resulting from said incumbent's promotion will be advertised and filled as a 1.00 FTE Grants Administrator 1 in Compensation Group 18 Range 06, as per the City's Grants Administrator series position classification, thus creating a salary savings of approximately $12,901 during 2010; and,
WHEREAS, the Division's 0.75 FTE Grants Administrator 1 position is budgeted at $42,000 for 2010;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Community Development Division is authorized to use approximately $6,225 of the above $12,901 in salary savings to increase the 0.75 FTE Grants Administrator 1 position to a 1.00 FTE Grants Administrator 1 position; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the permanent salary detail of the 2010 Community Development Division Adopted Operating Budget is hereby amended to reflect this change.