Fiscal Note
Cost of the projects and a portion of the program administration will be covered by the grant and administered through a segregated fund. The City will apply for the maximum amount of $500,000 but will likely be awarded a lesser amount. $450,000 is included in the 2010 CDBG Adopted Operating Budget.
Authorizing the CDBG Office to submit an application to the State of Wisconsin for Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), Transitional Housing Program (THP) and Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) funds on behalf of specific agencies providing housing and services for homeless persons.
Background: The City of Madison has worked closely with a group of community-based non-profit agencies that provide services and housing to homeless people and people at risk of becoming homeless. This cooperation involves City sponsorship and administration of an annual application to the State of Wisconsin for federal and state funds for various projects. The goals of these projects are to provide financial assistance to prevent homelessness, re-house homeless households and provide essential services like case management, tenant education, legal advocacy and mediation. The grant is a competitive one, open to all Wisconsin communities.
There are 11 cooperating agencies that serve specific homeless population group or offer a specialized approach or set of services to strengthen the continuum of care for homeless persons in the community. These agencies include: Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Inc.; Dane County Parent Council, Inc.; Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc.; Porchlight, Inc.; The Road Home Dane County, Inc.; The Salvation Army of Dane County, Inc.; Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Inc.; Tellurian UCAN, Inc.; Tenant Resource Center, Inc.; YWCA of Madison, Inc.; and Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin, Inc.
WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted a five-year Community and Neighborhood Development Plan which identifies homelessness as a critical issue within the community and outlines a set of strategies and priorities to address those problems using community-based groups; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council has accepted the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Dane County which includes goals and objectives representatives of these activities; and
WHEREAS, the CDBG staff has worked collaboratively with interested Homeless Services Consortium agencies and jointly developed a prioritized list of projects for submission to the State for funding;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council accept the following projects as part of the City's application for funding with the State:
Community Action Coalition for South Central WI / RentAble Program
Financial assistance to pay back rent, first month's rent and on-going rental subsidies.
Community Action Coalition for South Central WI / Case Management
Case manager to assist households obtain and maintain stable housing.
Dane County Parent Council / Hope House Case Management
Case manager to provide support to young women with children enrolled in Early Head Start who lack housing and ability to maintain stable housing.
Legal Action of WI / Eviction Prevention
Legal services to prevent evictions that lead to homelessness.
Porchlight / Brooks Street/STABLE Program
Staff costs associated with providing services to previously homeless persons living at 306 N. Brooks
The Road Home Dane County / Shelter Case Management
Case manager to help families with children find and maintain stable housing.
The Salvation Army / Life Skills & Mentoring for Single Women
Staff and operation costs of providing mentors and education sessions for homeless single women.
The Salvation Army / Medical Vouchers
Motel vouchers for individuals with medical issues that make staying in a shelter facility unmanageable for medical reasons.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul / Seton House Case Management
Case manager for previously homeless single women and women with children.
Tellurian UCAN / Job Coach
Support services related to becoming job ready and obtaining earned income for previously homeless persons.
Tenant Resource Center / Housing Mediation Program
Tenant/landlord mediation for eviction cases at small claims court to prevent homelessness.
YWCA of Madison / Second Chance Tenant Workshops Case Management
Case manager works with Workshop graduates to find and maintain housing.
Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin / Case Management
Case manager to provide support services for homeless unaccompanied youth.