Improvements accepted for Eastmorland Park Drainage Way Assessment District & Eastmorland Bike Path, Contract No. 6170.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the improvements on Eastmorland Park Drainage Way Assessment District & Eastmorland Bike Path have been completed on 10/21/08 be and are hereby accepted.
Original Contract Sum $ 171,57534
(Based on Actual Units) $ 157,584.20
Net Change by Change Orders $ 28,513.90 or 16.61%
Liquidated Damages $ 0.00
Final Contract Amount $ 186,098.10
Fiscal Note
Breakdown of Costs by Account Number:
Acc't. No. CS53-58240-810375-00-53W0410 $158,920.38
Acc't. No. ESTM-58270-810382-00-53W0410 $27,177.72