Fiscal Note
This resolution requires the City of Madison to pay to the City of Fitchburg an easement fee of $162,864. Funds are available in Water Utility Account No. EW01-58273-810455-00-53W0850.
Accepting a 20-foot wide Public Water Main Easement within the Cannonball Path from the City of Fitchburg.
WHEREAS, On July 7, 2009, the Common Council adopted Resolution Enactment No. RES-09-00609, File ID No. 15017, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Cannonball Run Pipeline Project, Contract No. 6382; and
WHEREAS, such project pertains to the installation of public water main facilities within the Cannonball Run Bike Path corridor to improve water supply to the Arbor Hills Neighborhood and surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS, a portion of the Cannonball Run Bike Path corridor is owned by the City of Fitchburg; and
WHEREAS, both the City of Madison Engineering Division and Water Utility have worked together with the City of Fitchburg and have a collaborative plan for both the bike path and water main construction within the Cannonball Run Bike Path corridor; and
WHEREAS, staff from the Water Utility and Engineering Division have reviewed the proposed easement from the City of Fitchburg and recommend the acceptance of the easement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison (“Madison”) is hereby authorized to accept from the City of Fitchburg (“Fitchburg”), a 20-foot wide Public Water Main Easement, on the following general terms and conditions:
1. The “Easement Area” is described in attached Exhibit A and depicted in attached Exhibit B.
2. The work of construction, repair and maintenance of the public water main facilities (the “Facilities”) by Madison shall be done and completed in a good and professional manner at the sole expense of Madison. All areas affected by the work of Madison shall be promptly restored to original grade and vegetation or surface condit...
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