Fiscal Note
Madison's share of the study will be $15,000. Funding will be accommodated within the 2009 Adopted Traffic Engineering operating budget. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Shorewood Hills to conduct a traffic and pedestrian safety and operations study of the intersection of Ridge Street and University Avenue and Farley Street/University Bay Drive and University Avenue.
WHEREAS, University Avenue is an important primary arterial street serving both Madison and the Village of Shorewood Hills; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison and the Village of Shorewood Hills share jurisdiction over the intersections of Ridge Street and University Avenue and Farley Street/University Bay Drive and University Avenue; and
WHEREAS, traffic congestion has resulted in operational problems for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists at these intersections; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Shorewood Hills has secured the services of Strand Engineers to review the intersections and to develop options to improve their operations; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Shorewood Hills has requested the City of Madison participate in a joint engineering study to review these intersections; and
WHEREAS, a cost-sharing arrangement of 50% of the cost of said study is proposed and expected to not exceed $15,000 (Madison's share); and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison has an interest in seeing these intersections serve all street users.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Shorewood to conduct a traffic and pedestrian safety and operations study.