Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes amendment of the 2008 Operating Budget by the appropriation of $40,000 from Contingent Reserve for Police Department costs associated with the Halloween event. This appropriation would exhaust the remaining amount available in the Contingent Reserve. Halloween related costs in the Engineering ($4,800), Streets ($4,215) and Parks ($5,900) Divisions will be funded through the reallocation of currently budgeted resources. This resolution also authorizes the receipt of revenues from admission fees and donations, which are expected to allow for the recovery of these costs.
Amending the Police Department 2008 operating budget by appropriating $40,000 from the Contingent Reserve Fund and amending the Engineering Division, Streets Division and Parks Division 2008 Operating Budgets by reallocating various cost savings; utilizing these funds for various expenses related to the Halloween event; and authorizing the receipt of revenues derived from admission fees and donations.
WHEREAS, for several years the Halloween event has required significant expenditure of funds for supplies and purchased services that are not included in the Operating Budgets of the Police Department, Parks Division, Streets Division and Engineering Division; and
WHEREAS, ongoing planning efforts resulted in the identification of additional measures that helped improve the safety, limited and reduced the damages associated with, and generated revenues to offset costs associated with the 2007 event; and
WHEREAS, similar measures will be utilized in the planning and implementation of the 2008 event; and
WHEREAS, the experience from prior Halloween events has demonstrated that the improved lighting in the State Street area has been helpful in discouraging unruly behavior and assisting in law enforcement efforts; and
WHEREAS, the plans for the 2008 Halloween event again call for the use of fencing to create a defined event area along State Street...
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