Fiscal Note
A fiscal analysis has not yet been completed.
Creating and implementing a comprehensive, multi-modal transportation and parking design for central Madison.
WHEREAS, central Madison - including downtown, the east Isthmus, the east Campus, and the north Park Street corridor - continues to grow as a regional center for business, culture, government, and academia and also continues to grow as a high-density residential area; and;
WHEREAS, the growth of central Madison will generate increased demand for travel to, through and around this part of the City, such demand originating both from an increasing number of local residents and from the ever-growing metropolitan region; and;
WHEREAS, Madison has recently completed a number of mode-specific studies including the Ad Hoc Long Range Metro Transit Plan, the Platinum Bike Study, the Parking Strategic Plan, the Streetcar Study, and Transport 2020 that identify opportunities for increased utilization of various transportation modes in addition to the automobile; and;
WHEREAS, near-exclusive reliance on the automobile for meeting both local and commuter travel demand is becoming increasingly problematic for economic, environmental, and social reasons; and;
WHEREAS, a number of adopted City plans, including the Comprehensive Plan, the East Washington Capitol Corridor Gateway Plan, and neighborhood plans have recommended that the City develop a comprehensive, multi-modal transportation and parking strategy for the central City,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council create an ad hoc committee to develop a comprehensive, multi-modal transportation and parking design and plan for central Madison. The plan shall establish central Madison as a Transportation Design District for the purposes of implementing near-term and long-term multi-modal transportation and parking management strategies. Strategies will include both Transportation System Management (TSM) and Tran...
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