Fiscal Note
The annual license fee shall increase by approximately $2,400 (i.e., from $18,473 to approximately $20,873 for the current year). Such increased license fee will be deposited in a segregated revenue fund (SO-03). The funds will be used to support lead service replacement rebates, to provide water fountains (bubblers) in Madison area parks, or for other such uses as the Common Council may decide. There will be no impact on State cost controls or the tax levy.
Authorizing the execution of a First Amendment to License pertaining to a license with Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP at the Larkin Tower located at 125 Larkin Street.
WHERAS, the City is the owner of the Larkin communications tower (the “Tower”), located at 125 Larkin Street; and
WHEREAS, the City and Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP (f/k/a PrimeCo Personal Communications, L.P.) (“Verizon”) are parties to a license, dated June 18, 1997 ("License") pertaining to the placement by Verizon of telecommunications equipment on the Tower and a communications shelter on land near the base of the Tower; and
WHEREAS, such License was authorized by Resolution Number 54252, ID Number 21302, adopted by the Common Council June 3, 1997; and
WHEREAS, the original term of the License was for the period from June 1, 1997 through May 31, 2007, and the License was renewed for the five (5)-year period running from June 1, 2007 through May 31, 2112; and
WHEREAS, Verizon desires to locate an emergency back-up gas generator at the site; and
WHEREAS, the terms of an amendment to the License have been negotiated between Verizon, the City’s Communications Supervisor in the Traffic Engineering Division, and City Real Estate staff, allowing for the installation, operation and maintenance of a back-up gas generator at the site in the vicinity of Verizon’s existing communications shelter.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into...
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