Fiscal Note
Net revenues will increase by approximately $4,000 annually. These revenues are included in the adopted 2008 Traffic Engineering operating budget.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the operation and maintenance of traffic signals at the intersections of University Avenue and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall and West Johnson Street and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall.
WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin-Madison desires that Madison operate and maintain traffic signals at the intersections of University Avenue and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall and West Johnson Street and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall; and
WHEREAS, by separate agreement, between the City of Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Madison “TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF NORTH MURRAY STREET/EAST CAMPUS MALL FROM UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO STATE STREET,” the University of Wisconsin-Madison agrees to execute an agreement with the City of Madison for the traffic signal operation and maintenance costs of the traffic signals installed at the intersections of University Avenue and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall and West Johnson Street and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall; and
WHEREAS, Section 66.0301, Wisconsin Statutes, authorizes cities, villages, towns, counties, and other public agencies to enter into agreements for the receipt or furnishing of services; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will operate and maintain traffic signals at the intersections of University Avenue and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall and West Johnson Street and North Murray Street/East Campus Mall with all of the cost reimbursed to the City of Madison by the University of Wisconsin-Madison;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Mayor and other City officials be authorized to execute the agreement with the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the operation and maintenance of the traffic signals at ...
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