Fiscal Note
The revenues from this license (starting at $22,000 per year), less any direct costs incurred by the Water Utility in the administration of the license, will be deposited in a segregated revenue fund (SO-03). The funds will be used to support lead service replacement rebates, to provide water fountains (bubblers) in Madison area parks, or for other such uses as the Common Council may designate. There will be no impact on State cost controls or the tax levy.
Authorizing the grant of a license to Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC for the installation of telecommunications equipment on the City’s water tower located at 5815 Milwaukee Street.
WHEREAS, Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC (“DSO”) has requested that the City allow it to install telecommunications equipment on the City’s water tower located at 5815 Milwaukee Street; and
WHEREAS, the terms of a license have been negotiated between DSO and the City of Madison Water Utility and Real Estate staff, which allow DSO to install, operate and maintain telecommunications equipment on the water tower; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney’s office has reviewed and approved the license as to form.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the grant of a license to Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC (“DSO”) for the installation, operation and maintenance of telecommunications equipment on the City’s water tower (the “Tower”) located at 5815 Milwaukee Street (the “Property”), as described in attached Exhibit A and generally shown on attached Exhibit B, on the following terms and conditions:
DSO shall pay to the City a one-time administrative fee of $2,000 as payment of the City’s costs of negotiating and processing the license.
The initial term of the license shall be five (5) years. DSO shall have the right to renew the license for three (3) subsequent five (5) year terms, subject to the terms and conditions of the license.
DSO may use the Property for the placement, con...
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