Fiscal Note
This resolution increases expenditures and revenues by $60,500. There is no impact on the tax levy or Expenditure Restraint Program eligibility.
Amending the Police Department 2008 Operating Budget to accommodate a change in the process for tracking revenue and expenditures related to the ongoing regional Records Management System collaboration with seventeen area law enforcement agencies and municipal courts.
WHEREAS, in 2004 the Common Council authorized the Madison Police Department to enter into a contract with 16 regional law enforcement agencies to provide consolidated records management services; and,
WHEREAS, in 2006 the Common Council authorized the Madison Police Department to expand the contract to include additional law enforcement agencies; and,
WHEREAS, until 2008 all expenditures for this project were funded through COPS Technology grant awards; and,
WHEREAS, provisions in the contract require regional law enforcement agencies to reimburse the City of Madison on a pro-rated basis for all expenditures not funded through regional grant awards, and;
WHEREAS, in 2008 grant funding is unavailable for the continuance of this project and the law enforcement agencies have planned to fund their portion of the project; and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department anticipated tracking these expenditures and revenues via the use of a segregated fund account; and,
WHEREAS, the Comptroller’s Office has determined the appropriate accounting treatment of project revenues and expenditures is applicable to, and should be maintained in, the General Fund; and,
WHEREAS, there is currently no budget authority in the Police Department 2008 Operating Budget to allow for either the expenditure of these funds or the receipt of the revenue; and,
WHEREAS, the estimated unbudgeted revenue and expense for this project is $60,500.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Police Department 2008 Operating Budget be amended to account for the revenue...
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