Fiscal Note
This ordinance change has no immediate fiscal impact on the City of Madison's collection of PEG or franchise fees. The current state statute does, however, eliminate the PEG fee after January 10, 2011. The elimination of the PEG fee will have a fiscal impact on the City.
Repealing and recreating Chapter 36 of the Madison General Ordinances to update the City’s ordinances pertaining to cable television franchises and video service providers.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This amendment is necessitated by recent state legislation that replaces local cable television franchising authority with statewide Video Provider Franchises. The new state law preempts the City's authority in several regards. This revision eliminates ordinance language that would otherwise conflict with the new legislation. This ordinance revision also exercises regulatory authority over video service providers and cable television operators in those areas where the City's limited home rule authority has not been affected by the statewide franchising legislation.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Chapter 36 entitled “Broadband Telecommunications Franchise Enabling Ordinance” of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows:
36.01 General Provisions.
36.02 Definitions.
36 03 Video Service Provider Fee and PEG Channel Monetary Support.
3604 PEG Channel Requirements.
36.05 Police Powers, Design/Construction Standards & Rights of Ways.
36.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. The provisions of sec. 66.0420, Wis. Stats., are hereby incorporated as though fully set forth herein. The additional provisions of this Chapter supplement those provisions of the state statutes and constitute an expression of the City’s home rule authority. Any person who owns, lease...
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