Fiscal Note
The 2008 Operating Budget for Public Health-Madison and Dane County will be amended to include these revenues and expenses. There will be no impact on the tax levy or cost controls.
Amending the 2008 Public Health budget to accept a grant for tobacco control funding.
WHEREAS Public Health-Madison and Dane County has received a grant for 2008 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services on behalf of Tobacco Free Dane County;
WHEREAS Public Health-Madison and Dane County has received an additional grant of $12,868 for tobacco control funding to address the burden of tobacco use and exposure in Wisconsin by protecting youth and adults from secondhand smoke.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 2008 Public Health Operating Budget is amended with the following expenses and revenues:
UA77-51200-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Hourly Salaries $8,160
UA77-52000-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Benefits $631
UA77-55130-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Reproduction/Fast Copy $300
UA77-54620-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Mileage $514
UA77-55110-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Office Supplies $250
UA77-54202-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Telephone $75
UA77-54911-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 Advertising $2,938
UA77-73214-774510-00-0000000-000000000-77-450-081 State Health Grants (increase) ($12,868)