Fiscal Note
The budget amendment contained in this Resolution increases budget authority in the Warning Sirens project of the Stormwater Utility 2008 Capital Budget by $50,000. The budget amendment is as follows:
ESTM-58599-810485 (Other Equipment) $50,000
ESTM-79999-810485 (Reserves Applied) ($50,000)
No additional GO Borrowing is required.
Following this budget amendment, the funds for Contract 6222 will be available in the Acct. Nos. listed on the attached.
Amending the 2008 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget and Awarding Public Works Contract No. 6222, Warning Sirens - 2008.
WHEREAS the bid for the 2008 Warning Siren contract included an alternate new high power siren installation near the DOT Park & Ride Lot on Eastpark Blvd; and
WHEREAS in the interest of public safety in this developing area of Madison, the City Engineer recommends including this alternate bid item in the 2008 contract; and
WHEREAS in order to fund this alternate item, a budget amendment of $50,000 to the 2008 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget is necessary; and
WHEREAS this budget amendment would be funded entirely by Utility Reserves; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2008 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget is hereby amended to increase budget authority in Warning Sirens (project 24) by $50,000, funded entirely by Utility Reserves; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following low bids for miscellaneous improvements be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the low bidders contained herein, subject to the Contractor's compliance with Section 39.02 of the Madison General Ordinances concerning compliance with the Affirmative Action provisions and subject to the Contractor's compliance with Section 33.07 of the Madison General Ordinances regarding Best Value Contracting:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds be encumbered to cover the cost of the projects contained herein.
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