Fiscal Note
The City of Madison's cost share for this project shall not exceed $80,000. The City's cost share will be in the form of in-kind services covered by the existing 2007 and future operating budgets.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to support the MadiSUN Program, accept grant money from the US Department of Energy, and enter into a contract with Focus on Energy and University of Wisconsin-Extension for partner services. (City Wide)
The City of Madison is proposing to implement a program that assembles and coordinates substantial local and state resources with a motivated resident population to make Madison the Model Solar City of the Midwest. The two-year program, called MadiSUN, will be led by the City of Madison and will consist of the following partners: Focus on Energy, University of Wisconsin-Extension (UWEX), Madison Gas & Electric Co. (MGE), Madison Area Technical College (MATC), Sustain Dane, Environmental Action Teams (EnAct), and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA).
The overall goal of the program is to significantly increase the use of solar energy in Madison by:
· Integrating solar technology into city energy planning and facilities,
· Streamlining city-level regulations and practices that effect solar adoption by residents and local businesses, and
· Promoting solar technology among residents and local businesses.
The implementation of the program is contingent upon receiving Solar America Initiative (SAI) grant money from the US Department of Energy (DOE). The City has formally applied for $200,000 in DOE funding. Matching funds in an equal amount are required from the applicant for cost share. The matching funds would come from the City of Madison ($80,000), Focus on Energy ($85,000), MG&E ($15,000) and program users ($20,000).
The City Engineer and his staff shall manage this project.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized ...
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