Fiscal Note
This grant will be accounted for in a segregated fund (SG50). There is no effect on the Expenditure Restraint Program or the levy.
Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to accept a supplemental Project Safe Neighborhoods grant award in the amount of $13,864 and to utilize these funds for community programs which address the goals of the grant in reducing gun violence.
WHEREAS the U.S. Dept. of Justice has developed a nationwide initiative to reduce the incidents of gun violence, with the goals of reducing the number of firearm related crimes, identifying and arresting those involved in gun violence, taking illegal guns off the streets and having an impact on the number of domestic deaths and serious injuries resulting from firearms; and,
WHEREAS the City of Madison has been experiencing an increase in gun violence, including increased reports of armed robberies and armed home burglaries in which guns have been used; and,
WHEREAS other firearm related incidents continue to significantly impact the safety and security of our neighborhoods; and,
WHEREAS the Madison Police Department was previously awarded a Project Safe Neighborhoods grant of $92,697 and a supplemental grant of $27,046 for the purposes of pursuing the initiative to reduce gun violence; and,
WHEREAS the Madison Police Department recognizes that an integral component in reducing gun violence is community education and the provision of alternate program activities that provide youth and young adults a positive environment with constructive opportunities to interact with law enforcement personnel; and,
WHEREAS supplemental funds have been awarded to provide for continued development of a middle school boys program at the Kennedy Heights Community Center similar to the highly successful Girl Neighborhood Power program; and,
WHEREAS supplemental funds have also been awarded to provide a drop-in men's basketball program at the Boys & Girls Cl...
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