Fiscal Note
This overhire would have no immediate impact on the levy or State Expenditure Restraint Program limits. The total maximum cost of these overhires is $207,400, but the actual cost may be offset by savings from possible resignations. An additional appropriation may be requested later in the year after a review of the financial status of the Police Department through third quarter 2007.
Authorizing the Police Department to overhire 5 police officers in May 2007.
WHEREAS, due to the retirement and/or resignation of commissioned staff, the Police Department currently has 15 police officer vacancies, in addition to the 10 vacancies for positions added in the 2007 budget; and,
WHEREAS the annual Pre-Service Training Academy begins in May, 2007, but will not provide officers available for assignment until January, 2008; and,
WHEREAS there are 55 commissioned officers eligible for retirement during the next year, which could leave a significant number of vacancies that would not be filled with fully trained officers available for assignment until January, 2008; and,
WHEREAS the Madison Police Department has evaluated the impact of these vacancies on staffing levels and has serious concerns about maintaining appropriate levels of service in the event that a number of officers are unavailable for assignment; and,
WHEREAS training additional recruits in 2007 would help to decrease the impact of unfilled assignments in January 2008; and,
WHEREAS in the past three years an average of 7 commissioned staff resigned between May and December; and,
WHEREAS the City anticipates processing at least one disability resignation, which may be settled prior to the start of the Pre-Service Academy, or by the end of 2007; and,
WHEREAS the costs for 5 additional positions, if there is no savings due to resignations, will be $207,400 for salary and benefits; and,
WHEREAS any disability, or other, resignations would offset some or all of ...
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