Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Authorizing the adoption of amendment(s) to the "Regulations Governing Vending in High Density Vending Areas" regarding the occupation of assigned vending sites in the Langdon Street High Density Vending Area.
WHEREAS, Section 9.13(7)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances provides that the Vending Oversight Committee (VOC) is empowered to promulgate regulations not inconsistent with Sec. 9.13, governing the sale of goods and personally prepared food in High Density Vending Areas; and the number, size, location of vending sites; and
WHEREAS, under Sec. 9.13(7) the Common Council must approve regulations promulgated by the VOC; and
WHEREAS, these regulations are currently published in a document entitled "The Vending Oversight Committee's Regulations Governing Vending in High Density Vending Areas;" and
WHEREAS, the VOC, at its regular meeting on September 27, 2006, approved amendments to to require Langdon Street High Density Vendors to occupy their assigned site by 1:00 p.m. or another high density vendor may occupy their site for the day; and
WHEREAS, this amendment is set forth below, using underlines and strike-outs to show changes as appropriate.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council approve the amendments to the VOC's "Regulations Governing Vending in High Density Vending Areas" recommended by the VOC, as follows:
C. Langdon Street High Density Vending Site Assignment:
1. Langdon Street High Density Vending Area.
(a) Site Assignment. Site assignment for the Langdon Street High Density Area shall be by consecutive years of seniority. Sites will be assigned based upon a chronological rank-ordered seniority list that begins with the date each vendor first purchased a High Density Vending License. If one or more vendor purchased a license on the same date, rank order will be determined alphabetically by the last name of ...
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