Fiscal Note
Total cost of these services is not to exceed $275,000 unless the agreement is extended.
The Engineering operating budget includes $100,000 for services provided for private contract improvements. The City pays for these services up front and recoups the expense through development escrow deposits.
Services provided for City capital improvement projects will be charged directly the applicable capital projects.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with CGC, Inc. for the purpose of furnishing professional services to test asphalt pavement mixtures, concrete mixes, and soil compaction; investigate soils; drilling and well construction on various projects administered by the City of Madison. (City Wide)
Pursuant to City Ordinances and policies, in 2006, the City Engineer advertised for consulting proposals, reviewed the submitted proposals, and the work was awarded to CGC, Inc. The City Engineer recommends that this contract be extended to provide the same work in 2007.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract with CGC, Inc. for furnishing professional services to test asphalt pavement mixtures, concrete mixes, and soil compaction; investigate soils; drilling and well construction on various City of Madison Public Works Projects.