Fiscal Note
This grant will be accounted for in a segregated fund (SG50). There is no effect on the Expenditure Restraint Program or the levy.
Authorizing the Mayor, City Clerk and Chief of Police to accept an award from the State of Wisconsin, Office of Justice Assistance in the amount of $20,000 and to utilize these funds to purchase and install recording equipment in order to comply with State requirements for recording interviews or interrogations.
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a requirement that all juvenile interrogations be recorded; and,
WHEREAS, the Court also ruled that as of January 1, 2007 interviews of all adults arrested on a felony charge must be recorded; and,
WHEREAS, videotaping is strongly encouraged in order to more accurately ensure an appropriate interpretation of the interview; and,
WHEREAS, the State Office of Justice Assistance has recognized that compliance with this requirement places a significant financial burden on many law enforcement agencies; and,
WHEREAS, in recognition of these financial challenges, the State Office of Justice Assistance has allocated grant funding to assist law enforcement agencies with the costs for the purchase and installation of the equipment necessary to record these interviews; and,
WHEREAS, the Madison Police Department has been awarded a grant in the amount of $20,000 to cover the cost of digital audio and/or video recording equipment to meet the requirements of 2005 Wisconsin Act 60.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison, through the Police Department, is authorized to apply for and accept an award from the State of Wisconsin, Office of Justice Assistance for $20,000. (SG50-73212-712100)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these funds will be used for the purchase and installation of equipment capable of audio and video recording interviews and interrogations as required by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. (SG50-58530-712100)
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Police Department is authorized to establish and/or maintain accounts as required for the administration of the grant funds.