Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3177. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from Temp A Agriculture to M1 Limited Manufacturing District. Proposed Use: Existing Concrete Mixing Plant & Contractor's Office; 3rd Aldermanic District: 5622 Milwaukee Street.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Rezoning 5622 Milwaukee Street.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
Paragraph 3177. of Subdivision (a) of Subsection (2) of Section 28.06 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.06(2)(a)3177. The following described property is hereby omitted from the Temp A Temporary Agriculture District and added to M1 Limited Manufacturing District:
Part of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ and part of the Southeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼ Section 2, T7N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, being more fully described as follows: Commencing at the West ¼ corner of said Section 2; thence N87°55'36"E, along the South line of said Northwest ¼, 856.42 feet; thence N20°09'19"E, 81.02 feet to the North right-of-way line of Milwaukee Street and the point of beginning; thence N16°44'24"E, along the Southeasterly right-of-way of Interstate Highway "94", 122.29 feet; thence Northeasterly, along said right-of-way, on a curve to the right having a radius of 1045.92 feet and a long chord bearing N20°51'15"E,150.07 feet; thence continuing Northeasterly, along said right-of-way on a curve to the right having a radius of 1045.92 feet and a long chord bearing N39°47'35"E, 535.22 feet; thence continuing Northeasterly, along said right-of-way on a curve to the right having a radius of 1045.92 feet and a long chord bearing N56°55'47"E, 84.39 feet; thence S00°06'43" W, 707.87 feet to the North right-of-way line of Milwaukee Street; thence N82°54'07"W, along said right-of-way line, 71.16 feet; thence continuing, along said right-of-way line, S87°55'36"W, 430.20 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 228,011sq. ft. or 5.23 acres."