Fiscal Note
Additional costs associated with providing weekly recycling services to small businesses in the central city are estimated at approximately $340 per customer, per year. These costs would be recovered by charges to participating businesses, so no net levy impact is currently anticipated. It is not yet known, however, how many businesses would choose to participate in this program. If the service expansion is limited to a relatively small number of businesses, resources currently available in the Streets Division capital and operating budgets should prove sufficient for service provision. No appropriation is required at the present time.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the Street Superintendent to charge businesses a fee for weekly collection of recyclables.
WHEREAS, the Streets Division provides every-other-week collection of recyclables to approximately 500 small business customers in the city of Madison; and
WHEREAS, many of the Streets Division's small business customers in Madison's central city do not have enough space at their establishments to store recyclables for two weeks; and
WHEREAS, providing weekly collection of recycling would involve added cost for the Streets Division; and
WHEREAS, the Streets Division could provide weekly recycling collection to small businesses in the central city that generate significant volumes of recyclables if the collection was limited to businesses facing hardships because they lack space to store two weeks worth of recyclables;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Street Superintendent is authorized to provide weekly collection of recyclables to businesses that are located in the area bounded by Park and Proudfit Streets, and Blair Street between Lakes Mendota and Monona provided that those businesses regularly generate in excess of 4 cubic yards of cardboard weekly and/or fill six or more 95-gallon recycling carts of other materials each week, and lack sufficient space to sto...
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