Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE CHARTER- Repealing and recreating Section 3.12 entitled "City Treasurer" to establish an office of City Clerk/Treasurer and authorizing withdrawals and disbursements.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This is one of 5 ordinances (ID #S 02702, 02703, 02704, 02705 and 02636) to reorganize the existing Department of Revenue into the separate positions of Clerk/Treasurer and Assessor and deleting the existing Department of Revenue. For a more detailed analysis, see the Report of the Office of City Attorney.
Notwithstanding Sections 62.09(11) and 62.09(9), WI. Stats. 2003-04, providing for the separate offices of Clerk and Treasurer, respectively, and pursuant to Sections 62.09(3)(B) and 66.0101, WI. Stats. 2003-04, the Common Council of the City of Madison do ordain as follows:
Section 3.12 entitled "City Treasurer" of the Madison General Ordinances is repealed and recreated to read as follows:
(1) The office of City Clerk/Treasurer is hereby established to perform the duties of Clerk as provided in Section 62.09(11) of the Wisconsin Statutes and to perform the duties of Treasurer a provided in Section 62.09(9) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Effective January 1, 2006, the position of City Clerk/Treasurer as it becomes vacant shall be filled according to Sec. 3.38(6)(f) of these ordinances. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall be responsible for the publication, filing, indexing, and safekeeping of all proceedings of the Common Council; shall be responsible for all election duties as required by the laws of the State of Wisconsin and shall keep and maintain all election records and be responsible for all property used in connection with the holding of elections. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall publish all required legal notices unless otherwise provided; shall file and preserve all contracts, bo...
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