Fiscal Note
Grant funds will be deposited in a segregated fund and used to offset all associated expenses, including salary and benefits for the grant-funded position in the Office of Community Services. There is no net impact on controls or levy.
Authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the period of October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006 in the amount of $136,325 from the Federal Child Development Block Grant passed through the State of Wisconsin for 2005-06.
WHEREAS, in 2005 the State of Wisconsin passed through to the City of Madison $136,325 in Federal Child Development funds from October 1, 2005 until September 30, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Community Services and the Early Childhood Care and Education Board has positive evaluations of the programs funded by this grant over the last year
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the expenditure of $136,325 to the following agencies and services:
1. $35,390 to increase a half-time child care specialist in Office of Community Services to full time, with benefits
2. Rainbow Project, up to $23,483 to expand the Pride program, which assists centers in serving high- risk preschoolers.
3. An increase in City of Madison Child Care Grants in the amount of $29,721 to make program and environmental improvements.
4. Community Coordinated Child Care, up to $26,985 to continue a project to improve and increase child care for Hispanic families
5. Dane County Parent Council, up to $13,930 to improve services for Hispanic families
6. Potential administrative costs in the Office of Community Services, up to $6,816.
The Community Services Supervisor will propose, and the Early Childhood Care and Education Board will approve a plan to expend any unexpended amounts. The Council will receive a report detailing any changes in plans and providers.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves the acceptance of $136,325 for the sixth year of matching funds from the Federal Child Development Block Grant, passed through the State of Wisconsin based on a continuation of City of Madison child care expenditures, and approves the expenditure of the grant funds according to the plan outlined above.