Fiscal Note
Private Contract. No City Funds Are Required.
Accepting street improvements constructed by private contract in Reston Heights - Phase I, Private Contract No. 1697. (3rd AD)
WHEREAS, Hovde Realty, Inc. has satisfactorily completed the installation of street improvements on the streets listed below by private contract in accordance with the City of Madison Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following streets be and are hereby accepted:
Dominion Drive - South Sprecher Road to the east plat line.
Summertown Drive - Milwaukee Street to Reston Heights Drive.
Milwaukee Street (south half including median) - South Sprecher Road to Summertown Drive.
Milwaukee Street/South Sprecher Road Intersection
South Sprecher Road (east side) - Milwaukee Street to the south line of Lot 11.
South Sprecher Road (east side) - Hopewell Drive to Dominion Drive.
Increase in street infrastructure value for Project No. 53B1697 $259,800.31 useful life of 40-years.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the one year guarantee on said street improvements shall have commenced on April 7, 2005.