Fiscal Note
No Parks Division funding would be utilized for this project, and no appropriation is required at this time. It is anticipated that the long term lease agreement would be presented to the Common Council for consideration as part of a subsequent resolution. Any capital or operating budget impacts would be identified at that time, and incorporated into future year budgets, if appropriate.
The Parks Division supports the use of Odana School Park for the construction and operation of a new Westside Senior Center in Odana School Park.
The Westside Senior Coalition has been working for more than two years to find a new location for the Westside Senior Center programs. They have been looking at both privately and publicly owned parcels. In February 2005, they made a presentation to the City of Madison Board of Park Commissioners about the feasibility of building a new Westside Senior Center in Odana School Park. This is a small oddly shaped park that has limited neighborhood use with no immediate neighbors. It is close to the Westside Metro Transfer Point and there is an excellent street network to it with many bus routes. There are also many elderly residents living in close proximity. The Mayor's office has also reviewed their request and the city's Real Estate office has reviewed various options.
It is the understanding of the Park Commission that the Westside Senior Coalition has also discussed the possibility of partnering with other non-profits in the proposed building as well as the potential for adult day center for seniors. There is a great need for senior programming on the Westside. Seniors completed surveys stating what programs they were interested in.
The Park Commission is supportive of the Westside Senior Coalition request and believes this is not a heavily used park. The Westside Senior Coalition would need to negotiate a long-term contract with the city that would result in building a n...
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