Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an agreement with Harris Golf Carts, Inc. for the lease of a golf cart fleet for a four-year term with the option of a one-year renewal at a total estimated cost of $660,469.14 for four years. The contract includes cost of $132,000 in 2022, and $176,000 each year from 2023-25. The 2022 Adopted Golf Enterprise Operating Budget includes $145,000 to contract for golf carts. This funding is sufficient for the planned agreement. No additional appropriation is required.
Authorize the City to enter into an agreement with Harris Golf Cars, Inc. for the lease of a golf cart fleet on a four (4) year term for the City of Madison Golf courses.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Parks Division leases a golf cart fleet for use at its four municipal golf courses; and
WHEREAS, the current contract expired on December 31, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the Purchasing Division and the Parks Division solicited bids through a competitive process for RFB # 10087-0-2021-BG, Golf Cart Fleet Lease for City of Madison Golf Courses, and received written bids for a four-year term with option to renew for one additional year; and
WHEREAS, two bids were received and Harris Golf Cars had the lowest bid for the four-year terms; and
WHEREAS, the four-year term secured the lowest pricing, with the total bid from Harris Golf Cars for four years of $660,469.14; and
WHEREAS; Harris Golf Cars has successfully provided golf cart fleet services to the City of Madison for the past seven years; and
WHEREAS; under MGO 4.26(30) service contracts of more than three years in duration require approval of the Common Council.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute document(s) as necessary in a form approved by the City Attorney, with Harris Golf Cars, Inc. for the purposes and at the price described above, for a four (4) year term with option to renew for one additional year.