Fiscal Note
Funds are allocated as part of the 2006 Budget under the East Isthmus Planning Council. The Madison Area Grassroots Leadership College is now a separate 501 (c)(3) agency. There is no net impact on cost controls or levy.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk, through the Office of Community Services, to enter into a Purchase of Services Contract with the Madison Area Grassroots Leadership College for their intensive workshop series.
WHEREAS, the Grassroots Leadership College program was formed through a collaboration of the Northside Planning Council, South Metropolitan Planning Council and the East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council; and
WHEREAS, a portion of the initial funding for the Grassroots Leadership College program was provided by a City of Madison planning grant; and
WHEREAS, the East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council served as the fiscal agent for the Grassroots Leadership College since its inception; and
WHEREAS, the Grassroots Leadership College began offering classes in April of 2003 which consisted of comprehensive semester long training to help develop citizen and neighborhood leaders; and
WHEREAS, upon evaluation of their semester long program for emerging leaders, many citizens were interested in a series of stand alone, topic specific workshops; and
WEHREAS, in 2005 the Grassroots Leadership College program was expanded to include a series of stand-alone, topic specific workshops in addition to the semester long training offered; and
WHEREAS, in the City of Madison began funding of the stand alone, topic specific workshops in 2005 through the Office of Community Services as part of a contract with the East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council; and
WHEREAS, the 2006 City of Madison Office of Community Services budget includes an allocation of $7,695 for the Grassroots Leadership College program through a contract with the East Isthmus Neighborhoods Planning Council; and
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