Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing the Board of Public Works to Advertise and Receive Bids for the Installation of New 12" Water Main from Commercial Avenue to N. Thompson Drive. (3rd & 17th ADs)
Fiscal Note
Est. Cost $700,000
Funds available in the following accounts:
Water Utility Acct: EW01-58273-810455
This project consists of the installation of new 12" water main from 5301 Commercial Avenue across I-94 to N. Thompson Drive. Due to the low water pressure in Zone 6, this work is needed to increase pressure and also incorporates future improvements as indicated by the Madison Water Utility Master Plan. Upon approval, this public works contract provides a means to construct the approved devices.
1. That the plans and specifications for the installation of a new 12" water main from Commercial Avenue to N. Thompson Drive, be and are hereby approved.
2. That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for the required public works contract.
3. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to accept dedication of lands and/or easements from the Developer/Owner for public improvements located outside of the existing public fee title or easement right-of-ways. Refer to the Office of Real Estate Services Project No. 9148 for easement administration.