Fiscal Note
$500.00 Administrative Fee to be deposited into Account No. GN01-78231.
Accepting a Permanent Limited Easement for Public Sanitary Sewer Purposes from Linda M. Layman across a property located at 4938 Lake Mendota Drive.
WHEREAS, Linda M. Layman ("Owner") is the owner of the property located at 4938 Lake Mendota Drive, and has requested a demolition permit and conditional use permit to allow construction of a new single family home at 4938 Lake Mendota Drive; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison ("City") has existing sanitary sewer facilities located on the Owner's property that were installed in 1958, by way of a blanket easement as recorded in Document No. 964094; and
WHEREAS, in order to perform adequate maintence of the existing sanitary sewer facilities and also legally define the exact easement area through the Owner's property, the Owner has agreed to convey to the City a Permanent Limited Easement for Public Sanitary Sewer Purposes ("Easement") to the City; and
WHEREAS, City of Madison Engineering Division staff has reviewed and approve of the acceptance of such an Easement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison is hereby authorized to accept from Linda M. Layman, at no cost to the City, a Permanent Limited Easement for Public Sanitary Sewer Purposes, as more particularly described below and depicted on attached Exhibit A.