Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes a $1,470,000 increase in the 2011 Storm Water Utility Capital Budget to advance, from 2013, the construction of the portion of the Willow Creek Relief Storm Phase 4 project and to fund land acquisition for the 2012 construction (advanced from 2014). The work in 2011 will be funded through an increase in the authorized 2011 G.O. borrowing of $750,000, a transfer of GO borrowing authority of $436,000 from the Central Park Pond project (Project #26) and through the application of $284,000 in Reserves. Following the budget amendment, funds for the construction will be available in the following account:
$720,000 ESTM-58270-810514-00-53W1134
Amending the 2011 Stormwater Utility Capital Budget to advance the Willow Creek Storm Relief Phase 4 project (#14) from 2013 to 2011 and approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the University Avenue Relief Storm Sewer Phase 4 Project. (5th & 11th ADs)
WHEREAS, the area North of University Ave between the intersections of Highland Ave and Grand Ave. has experienced localized flooding during small rain events (approximately the one (1) year event) since the area was primarily developed; and
WHEREAS, the City is currently working with a developer on a redevelopment plan for this immediate area; and
WHEREAS, the proposed redevelopment will significantly limit the ability of the City to improve the drainage in this area in the future; and
WHEREAS, the developer is willing to work with the City to allow the use of private lands to ease construction of the proposed project in advance of the redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, the Stormwater Utility budget had this project planned for 2013 & 2014; and
WHEREAS, delay of the construction until that time will either significantly increase the costs of construction or eliminate the possibility of taking the proposed storm sewer alignment completely; and
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